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It’s Time to Test your Knowledge of Backup and Disaster Recovery!

Disaster Recovery

Over the past few weeks, we’ve talked about backup disaster recovery and why it’s important for any business to have. We have covered all the factors that should go into a business owner’s recovery plan. We’ve also listed some terrible things that could happen to your business if it doesn’t have a good plan for dealing with disasters.

Knowing that some business owners do not grasp data backup and recovery is concerning. Take this brief quiz to see how well you understand the steps involved in this procedure. It exposes a wealth of information on how to bounce back quickly from a calamity.

A Brief Quiz on Backup Disaster Recovery

The following are ten statements that have to do with backup disaster recovery. Read each one carefully and establish whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE.

  1. Cyberattacks are no longer as frequent as in previous years, so having a disaster recovery plan for your business data is not important anymore.
  2. Backup and recovery involve making copies of data and storing them in a safe place where they can be accessed and restored if needed.
  3. Cloud-based data backup is completely and permanently safe.
  4. Hiring a professional to back up your data for data and doing it yourself are equally reliable when doing a disaster recovery plan.
  5. You can only lose your data if a hacker infiltrates your system.
  6. Hackers can create a data breach through phishing attacks.
  7. There is no connection between being hacked and having weak passwords.
  8. Regularly updated cybersecurity software will protect you from phishing attacks.
  9. Data encryption is an effective way to protect your data from hackers.
  10. Implementing multi-factor authentication for all employees can be expensive for your company.

Quiz Answers

  1. FALSE.

Quite the contrary, cyberattacks are even more prevalent today than ever. There are also many new kinds of attacks that were unheard of as hackers have become more creative. That is why having a disaster recovery plan is important.

  1. TRUE

Data can be duplicated and stored in as many locations as you want. Usually, there is at least one on-site and one off-site location. Frequent backups as a part of your disaster recovery plan are recommended.

  1. FALSE.

It’s safer than a few other types of storage, but cloud backups are still not 100% guaranteed to be safe, especially now that a rising number of cyberattacks are targeting the cloud.

  1. FALSE.

A professionally managed service provider can do so much more to protect and back up your data than you can do on your own. This protection includes 24/7 monitoring and full restoration in case of a disaster.

  1. FALSE

There are many ways of losing data. It could be through an online attack, human error, electronic failures, natural disasters, and many more.

  1. TRUE

Phishing is now a common way for hackers to steal data, and it is also used to break into networks and encrypt data.

  1. FALSE

According to surveys, approximately 80% of data breaches can be traced to weak passwords. So always include in your disaster recovery plan the use of strong passwords.

  1. FALSE

It is necessary to update your cybersecurity software. Unfortunately, this does not ward off phishing attacks. For protection from these scams, employee training and education are the best forms of protection.

  1. TRUE

Data encryption is one of the most trusted methods of protection. A managed service provider can easily do this for you and keep your confidential information safe.

  1. FALSE

Multi-factor authentication is one of the cheapest ways for business owners to protect their data, but they don’t spend enough on it.

Analyzing the Outcomes

We’ve already written about the myths of restoring lost data from backups. Don’t beat yourself up if you didn’t ace the test. To your benefit, you are now more informed. We can also help you make a disaster recovery plan that you can use quickly and methodically after an emergency. This step will make your organization even safer.

If this Quiz was harder than it looked, then maybe you should watch our Free Cybersecurity Webinar to brush-up on the latest cyber trends. If you have any questions about your data security, give us a call and let’s solve that problem. Finally, If you enjoyed taking this quiz, we have a second Backup Disaster Recovery Quiz for your to increase your knowledge!