(865) 238-5600

Backing Up To The “Cloud:” What It Means And Why EVERY Business Should Have It In Place

Backing Up To The “Cloud:” What It Means And Why EVERY Business Should Have It In Place

One of the BEST ways to protect your data is to maintain an up-to-date copy in a high-security data center somewhere other than your office. In fact, it should be in another “safe” city at least 180 miles away from your office, and ideally, one that is not susceptible to natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, tornados, or earthquakes. The generic term people use to describe this type of backup is “backing up to the cloud” or “cloud backups,” which simply means that your data is hosted in a remote data center and accessed via the Internet.

This type of backup is set to run automatically either after hours when most people are not using their computer systems (1:00 a.m. for example) or continuously throughout the day whenever a file is changed or added. The data on a particular machine is copied and sent over the Internet to a high-security facility where it is stored. Because these backups are automated, you don’t have to worry about someone forgetting to run the backup.

As with anything, you get what you pay for, and there are some key quality differences in the type of backup service you choose.  Pick the wrong one and you could end up paying a lot of money only to discover that recovering your data – the very reason why you set up remote backups in the first place – is not an easy, fast, or simple job.

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