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The 4 Most Costly Misconceptions About Computer Maintenance and Repair – #1

Misconceptions About Computer Maintenance & Repair

Over the next 4 weeks, we are going to post the 4 most costly misconceptions about computer maintenance repair.

Misconception #1 of 4: My computer network doesn’t need regular monitoring and maintenance.

     This is probably one of the biggest and most costly misconceptions that business owners have. Usually, this is because they’ve been fortunate enough to never have encountered a major disaster; but that’s similar to someone thinking they don’t need to wear a seat belt when driving a car because they’ve never had an accident.

     Computer networks are complex and dynamic systems that need regular updates and maintenance to stay up, running fast and problem-free. In fact, it’s surprising how fast a brand-new PC will slow down after a few weeks of use without proper updates and maintenance. Here are just a FEW of the critical updates that need to be done on a weekly – if not daily – basis:

  • Security patches applied – with NEW viruses and hacker attacks cropping up DAILY, this is a CRITICAL part of maintaining your network.
  • Antivirus updates and monitoring
  • Firewall updates and monitoring
  • Backup monitoring and test restores
  • Spam filter installation and updates
  • Spyware detection and removal
  • Monitoring disk space on workstations and servers
  • Monitoring hardware for signs of failure
  • Optimizing systems for maximum speed

     Just like a car, if you don’t change the oil, replace the filter, rotate the tires, flush the transmission, and perform other regular maintenance on your car, it will eventually break down and cost you FAR MORE to repair than the cost of the basic maintenance – and cars are far simpler than a computer network!

     If your computer support tech does not insist on some type of regular, automated monitoring or maintenance of your network, then DO NOT HIRE THEM. Lack of system maintenance is the NUMBER ONE reason most people end up losing valuable files and incurring heavy computer repair bills. If your technician isn’t offering you these services, you need to find someone else to support your computer or network for two reasons:

  1. Either they don’t know enough to make this recommendation, which is a sure sign they are horribly inexperienced, OR
  2. They recognize that they are profiting from your computer problems and don’t want to recommend steps towards preventing you from needing their help on an ongoing basis. After all, they’ll get paid MORE to remove a virus than to make sure your system is patched, updated and secured (which can be done quickly and inexpensively with good monitoring).

Either reason is a good one to get as far away from that person as possible!

Don’t forget to Contact Us with questions!